As a small business owner, self-care is a must. A lot f times we're burning the candle at both ends. This is especially true if we work full time jobs in addition to our businesses. Taking the time to pamper ourselves may be the last thing on our list to do.
That's why it's so important to have products on hand that are easy to incorporate into our lives. Wynterology has done that with their lotion bars! These beautiful little bars are such a life saver with their easy no mess application.

We keep them in the house, we keep them in our handbags, even the kids in the family love them. Some of you have even received a few from us as gifts! Swing by this small business's shop and check out their organic handmade products. We love Mahogany Teakwood for the men in our lives the best! Tell them Notable Jewels, LLC sent you!